[  August 24-25 2024 in Chicago  ]


Scholarships for Sabermetrics, Scouting, and the Science of Baseball 2024

We are pleased to announce the Sabermetrics, Scouting, and the Science of Baseball Seminar will be offering at least two current student scholarships at $2,000 each to female and minority students who want to work in baseball analytics. We feel these groups are criminally underrepresented in baseball front offices, and hope our scholarships can help make a small difference. The monies can be used for travel to the seminar (the winners’ ticket cost will also be waived), and/or to pay for tuition or expenses directly related to education (e.g., books, software, etc.).

To apply for the scholarship, you will be expected to present an abstract at this summer’s seminar, which will be held on August 24th and 25th. You must be a current student (highschool, college, or graduate school) to apply. Abstract submission details can be found at the “Present@SS24” link. Additionally, you will be required to write an essay of 750 words or less telling us a little about yourself and where you would like to see your career in baseball go. We also require a statement of 500 words or less describing your qualifications for the diversity oriented scholarship that we offer. Finally, we are requiring a letter of recommendation from a research mentor, a professor, or an advisor in your school’s faculty. The essay, statement, recommendation, and abstract submissions should be emailed to Saberseminar@gmail.com by midnight on June 15, 2024. The winners will be announced on June 25, 2024.

A large proportion of our student abstract presenters get jobs in sports, and many of those have made their first big sports presentation at the conference. Our previous student speakers have gone on to be hired in baseball and basketball as directors of analytics, scouts, analysts, members of business development teams, and other sports positions. While we can’t guarantee that presenting at Saberseminar will jump start your career, we think that offering scholarships to fund travel for minority and female applicants will help diversity our own presentations and hopefully, by extension, baseball front offices.

Good luck!